Semiotics... Is the study of signs.
Denotation... what we see when we look at an image (what it is).
Connotations... what we understand from this image (what other meanings it has).
Divergent poster semiotics:

In this film poster of the amazing action story "Divergent", the semiotics help you establish what the film is even about before you even watch it. One example of this is in the camera angle the 2 characters are shown looking over a city, so maybe this shows that they are more powerful than the city believe. We automatically that this will be an action film without even watching a clip of the film because the male character is seen carrying a gun. Also it shows that he is orotecting the female character because they have theur backs together and so is almost lije saying they have each others back. In the title it has an effect that it has been cut in half by a laser, which highlights that there may be some sci-fi in the film because of lasers etc.
There are many denotations from this image, but what i can see from this poster is that there are two main characters and they are looking over the city. The way they are posed makes me think that they are ready for battle. I can also see that the sky is a variety of colours and the sun is setting which makes it dark and mysterious.
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