Friday 9 October 2015


Audience (Film & You)

Today in lesson we talked about audience and how you consume films. So I applied the following uses and gratifications to films that apply to me below using 'The film industry' found under: Faculty programs- Arts- Media- The film industry- Film & You.

This above shows what I know about the words film, movie and cinema and how I interpret them and if I can extinguish the differences between them. And it also made me think more carefully about what a cinema is and why people go to the cinema to watch films.

I was then asked to list my top ten favorite movies and above are the ones I choose and I also explained what links all my favorite movies together.

I did not know many of these films listed above except from Blade Runner which was the only movie that I selected.

Lastly for audience, above shows my answers to personally my views on what makes me want to see a film and where I like to watch films the most etc.

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