Sunday 15 November 2015


We learnt about sound, how it is used to create effect and what are the different types of sounds. Here is what I have learnt about sound:

Digetic sound: The things the characters can here, like dialogue and sounds where they are filming the scene.

Non-digetic sound: Sounds that the characters cannot hear, like music or Foley sounds.

Synchronous sounds = Sounds that are matched with what is viewed. E.g. See your phone and hear ringing. This is digetic sound.

Asynchronous sounds = The sounds you hear but can't see on the screen. E.g. Siren but no ambulance. This is also digetic sound.

Ambient sound: Background noises (e.g. Wind, gate swinging, planes). These make a soundscape.

Voice over: A narrator talks over a film, this is a non-digetic sound.

Melody: A distinctive tune.

Symphonic: Music performed by a large orchestra.

Atonal: Music having no established key.

Rhythmic: Percussive sounds forming a beat.

Dissonant: Discordant (non-harmonious) combination of sounds.

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