Wednesday 13 January 2016

Question #1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Monday, 18 January 2016

Question 1

In what way does your media production use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 

Title of The Film 
The title of the film is connect four. The film title represents the three main parts of our film. Connect four represents the four friends within the friendship group and how they are all connected together. Connect four is also a children's board game which the group play.

The movie takes place in a small town with the majority of the scenes in a small log cabin at the back of one of the friends gardens. The log cabin offers the friends a place of solidarity, companionship and refuge. It allows us an insight to the characters feelings and emotions away from other situations. The log cabin is a unique location for filming as there are not many films in the teen/coming of age genre featuring it. Although, it is similar to The Goonies because the friendship group congregate at a house.

For our titles the main inspiration was Napoleon Dynamite. They used different objects to spell out the titles moving them in and out of the camera view abruptly.
Napoleon Dynamite titles...

Our Titles...

Challenges to common stereotypes:
Our titles challenge the normal stereotypes of a normal teen/coming of age titles. This is because in a normal other film of this genre they tend to follow the teen characters and give a small insight into their personalities (for example The Breakfast Club opening scene). We have challenged this by focusing more on how the titles are presented to show the characters personalities. By having the titles on the games it shows the characters are a fun, close-knit group.

Camera Work and Editing

The majority of the films follow Todorov's idea of equilibrium, disruption, resolution and a new equilibrium. The diagram below shows our films narrative structure compared to 21 Jump Street...


  1. Kurt Saint - teenage boy, long hair, jeans, trainers, white complexion, troubled background, middle class. 
  2. Jacob Burted - teenage boy, short hair, jeans, trainers, hoody, white complexion, sporty, student, single. 
  3. Alex Maplin - teenage girl, long hair, jeans, trainers, white complexion, student, popular, likes to shop. 
  4. Katie Shane - teenage girl, long hair, skirt, white, student, shy, likes to study, has little friends.
All our characters were modelled on the breakfast club characters...
  • Kurt Saint = John Bender 
  • Jacob Burted = Andrew Clark 
  • Alex Maplin = Claire Standish 
  • Katie Shane = Allison Reynolds
Throughout the film you see the female characters wearing make-up, this is a stereotype for female teens and that most teenage girls wear makeup. And we also dress the characters differently throughout the film to help represent what their character is like. So for Jacob he will wear sportswear to show he likes sport and the 'popular girl' Alex will wear really fancy clothes to help represent that she is within the popular group these are all very strong stereotype. There is the stereotype that the more geeky characters generally don't wear as much make-up and don't care as much of what they look like compared to the more popular one.

  • Friendship - The enviable friendship between the four characters.
  • School life - Some scenes of the film take place inside a school.
  • Love - Kurt is madly in love with Alex but when Alex goes to a party and gets with loads of boys Kurt gets angry and breaks up the group.    

 School Life

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