Monday 11 January 2016

Question #5: How did you attract/ address your audience?

We have tried our hardest to attract all the different types of audiences like our core audience of male and female teens as well as our secondary audience which is the parents of the teens. We have designed different types of devices to attract the different audience members of our film. Below is a table of how we targeted all of the different audience members through different methods.

What we included in our film to attract our primary audience:
- We included friendships and relationship problems because the audience likes to relate to these sort of topics

The different audience members
The methods we used to attract or address our audience
Fans of teen/ coming of age films
We have created YouTube pop-ups  on vidoes which are associated with teen films or programs to help target directly our core audience.
15-19 year old Males
(Primary audience)
We chose to use social media platforms to predominately promote our film as they are both free and accessible to all. Here is the link to our film's Facebook page, here we will post updates and teasers of our film before its release date in early April 2016.

We also decided to use Twitter as well as Facebook and so here is the link to our Twitter page. 
15-19 year old Females
(Primary audience)
We chose to use social media platforms to predominately promote our film as they are both free and accessible to all. Here is the link to our film's Facebook page, here we will post updates and teasers of our film before its release date in early April 2016.

We also decided to use Twitter as well as Facebook and so here is the link to our Twitter page. 
Parents of the teens
(Secondary Audience)
We have decided to help target the parents of teens to watch our film by 

Below is a screenshot of our Facebook page which we made to help market our film and attract our target audience...
Then below is a screenshot of our Twitter page, which we created to help target our core teen based audience also...

What's in our film opening which appeals to our primary target audience is...
- We include friendships and relationships in our film which our primary target audience can relate to due to it being part of growing up. Our audience will see that relationships and friendships are shown in our film and will be attracted to the film because they find these topics relatable. 
- Another reason that people are attracted to our film is because it is unique and quirky, there are not many films which honestly highlight the problems that teenagers face on a day to day basis. 

Audience Feedback

I sampled a group of teens and asked them to watch our film 'Connect Four' and report back to us with feedback about our film and if they would be interested in seeing our film. 

I created a survey made by
Which I then distributed to these teens we asked and analysed the results we received back from them. There was a few older people than teens that took part in our survey but mainly we asked our primary target audeince which is teens.

Below are screenshots of what my feedback survey looked like for the film audience and what questions we asked our audience to complete:    

As you can see from the results of my survey below 77% of the people that completed our survey were female. It was to help us to determine which gender took part in our survey the most but men did still fill out our survey.

Below this is a question to help us to determine whether the primary audience we thought would like our film actually did. And we discovered that nearly 90% of the people we asked said that they did enjoy our film opening and the other 10% said sort of meaning that they wouldn't rule out watching the rest entirely.

We asked in our survey for our audience to rate our film opening out of a possible 10 marks, this is to help us see whether we were successful in attracting our primary audience and they also enjoyed it.The highest mark we received was a 10 out of 10 but this was only just over 20% of the audience we asked. The majority of people we asked gave our film 8 marks out of a possible 10 marks which i think is a very positive response. 

We also asked for people to honestly say whether they would watch the rest of our film 'Connect Four' after watching the opening scene. The feedback we received was that over 88% of people said that they would want to continue watching the rest of our film after released. And only a small minority of just under 12% said they would maybe watch the rest of our film.  

Out of the surveyors that we asked to give back survey, only 10% of these people were out of the age of our primary target audience. But the other 90% of people who completed our survey were in our primary target audience age of 15-19 years old. We asked for their ages to help us determine who would like the look of our film opneing enough to fill out our survey.

During our survey we also asked what they liked and disliked about our film, below is a list of what this feedback was...

- It was very unique and fun
- I enjoyed the creativity with the titles and is evident that you worked hard on the mise en scene suitable to the plot and genre of the film.
- Enjoyed the narrative and the time lapse was very effective 
- Very original idea
- Loved the creativity of the credits
- Liked the variety of frames and the sequencing 
- The titles were very creative were they are placed.

- The lighting was a little off at some points.
- The voice over was a little fuzzy at times
- It seemed quit long and dragged a little
- Seems a bit dark at the very beginning
- Credits distracted from the film opening
- The voice over seemed a little off balance at times 

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